New interview with Pekka Heino [Leverage]
It's Saturday, the 16th of June, 2007. We meet the Leverage guys before their show at Myötätuuli Rock. There were some problems with our camcorder so there was some delay with everything and the rest of the band had to go prepare their show quite soon, so I ended up with Pekka, in the grass behind the tent to escape the pretty loud music coming from the festival ground. Now here's the typed up version, sadly no video, but hopefully nonetheless enjoyable.

MEM: Did changing to Kingfoo Entertainment change anything for you as for work or gigs?
Pekka: Well… First of all we started getting gigs, so…it was a turn for the better, absolutely. Definitely.
MEM: So the other booking agency was not so good or…?
Pekka: Well if I understood right there were some personal problems with the guy who sold us but you know… shit happens and thank God we were able to switch so… it's all good now.
MEM: Ok, that sounds good.
Pekka: By the way, things have taken another turn just recently, Minni who is our agent, she just recently went to Dex Viihde so we are not in Kingfoo anymore.
MEM: Oh.
Pekka: Yeah. It just came in! [laughs]
MEM: Ok! Where do you want to get big first, Europe or the rest of the world like
Pekka: It really doesn't matter, you know. Getting big is not what we're aiming at really. We're just hoping for the best and we're writing music, we're putting out records and if people like the stuff, that's always a bonus. But, you know, I have no preferences in what country or continent we're gonna be big but just… we'll just continue making music and hope that other people like it too.
MEM: So you just let it flow…
Pekka: We let it flow, exactly, yes.
MEM: What's normally on your rider? Do you have one and what's on it and are you pissed off when something you want is not there?
Pekka: Erm… I guess the normal rider would be 48 bottles of beer, 24 cider or gin long drink and 2 bottles of noble booze if you know what I mean - … I think you know what I mean [grins].
MEM: Yes I know what you mean!
Pekka: Yeah! And if something's missing of course we're pissed, you know it's part of the deal and if the promoter hasn't done his part of the job, of course it pisses me off…
MEM: But normally it's some poor person running to get the stuff you want and… maybe if the person has tried very hard to get the stuff and it just didn't work out… Are you still pissed or…?
Pekka: Well… then they obviously have the wrong guy for the job, you know.
MEM: Ok. What's your favourite venue to play at or to watch gigs?
Pekka: My favourite venue… well I love going down to Tavastia in
MEM: And it would be your favourite place to play at as well?
Pekka: Well it's a cool place to play, yeah. Definitely.
MEM: What do you do when you get on each others' nerves on tour?
Pekka: We haven't been on tour yet, you know [laughs]. So erm… we'll just have to see. Erm… we get on each others' nerves in the studio sometimes but in a positive way. Just… we laugh a lot and we joke a lot and, you know, I think we're able to handle ourselves like adults when it comes to touring.
MEM: Okay, that leads me to my next question; who's the moodiest in the band?
Pekka: Moodiest… It's hard to say! There aren't really any moody or gloomy persons in this band. Like I said, we like to joke around a lot and laugh a lot so… it's really hard to say, I can't say who's the moodiest. Depends on the day.
MEM: Ok. This is an interesting question a friend of mine had about the 'Tides' album: She was looking closely at the cover picture and it shows an old door handle; why is that so? Because it doesn't have to do anything with the actual sea tides…
Pekka: Well… There's some philosophy behind it, you'd have to ask Valtteri and Tuoppi more about that but… if I understood right, Leverage on the whole, as a band and as a project, you know… We're not kids anymore and we've all done our good share of different bands in the past and now that there was time that it was possible for us to make music again and someone was willing to release our music, it was like opening an old door that has been closed for so long and behind that door is sort of another chance and I think that's the philosophy behind it.
MEM: Okay… Uhm, in what country or countries is Tides going to be released next?
Pekka: Oww… Please don't ask me any of these questions, I have no idea. Erm, the next album… we're in the middle of the recordings pretty soon and we're closing deals. I think we're gonna have a simultaneous release in all of Europe and in
MEM: Ow don't put yourself down! …Do you already know anything about more touring plans for this year or is this going to be the last one of the year or what's next?
Pekka: [pauses] … Well those are the other things that I suck at! Erm… I think we have a couple of gigs left. Not that many though, but we're gonna have to concentrate on recording the next album, so… I have no desire to really go out there every night, cos we got a lot to do, it's time for the next record.
MEM: How's the work for the new album going so far?
Pekka: We've got more than plenty of material written and demoed already, so we basically have all the songs put together but none of the actual recordings, you know. We haven't recorded yet but I think we should start in July, so, pretty soon.
MEM: Okay. And how often do you normally get together for rehearsing? Is it different when you're recording and album or when you already have something? Like, do you rehearse more with the new stuff or the old?
Pekka: Yeah, erm, we don't rehearse that much, because of the distance, you know. Me and Tuoppi, we live in
MEM: Alright. So, if you could 'turn back the tides of time', what would you change in your life?
Pekka: I wouldn't change anything. Erm… You know, I'm the kind of person who lives pretty much day by day, so… I don't worry about the past and I don't worry about the future either that much, so… It's a curse and a blessing in some ways, but I wouldn't change anything.
MEM: So you live for the moment.
Pekka: I live for the moment, yeah.
MEM: Ok! This is something different: What's the best music video you've ever seen?
Pekka: Bon Jovi, 'You Give Love A Bad Name', that was the first music video that really hit me big time. You know, I can still remember every frame and every cut in that video. If you give me the material, I can put it together in an edit exactly the way it is, you know.
MEM: Wow, that's impressing. Why? What struck you so much about it?
Pekka: Well, you know, that album 'Slippery When Wet' was one of the best albums ever and that's a big record for me and that was basically the first time I saw the band in a live environment, so to speak, and the guy who directed it, directed so many great videos back in that day, it's unbelievable. And that's one of his best works in my opinion. It's just, you know, the guys on stage. But the way it's shot and … yeah, it's just great.
MEM: Right… Can you quote one piece of lyric that you wish you had written yourself?
Pekka: Erm… Yeah I guess I can. [long pause] Give me another minute! [laughs] I have to get back to you on that one!
MEM: Okay! I'll ask it again at the end then.
Pekka: Ok, cool.
MEM: Actually, we are almost at the end actually! What's the nastiest prank you have ever played on someone?
Pekka: I am not really a prank kind of person, you know. I'm usually the guy who gets the other end of pranks. Erm… I am not clever enough to do pranks. You have to ask Richard Blackmore from Rainbow and Deep Purple, he was pretty good at that, I've heard.
MEM: Oh okay, so what's the nastiest prank that has ever been played on you then?
Pekka: Erm… I've been lit on fire once. That was probably the nastiest.
MEM: [shocked] With any bad injuries afterwards?!
Pekka: No, thank God.
MEM: How did that happen?!
Pekka: Oh, let's not get into that…
MEM: Okay. So, the last question is, what are your plans for this year's midsummer?
Pekka: Oh, I'm playing actually. I'm playing with Brother Firetribe at the Raumanmeren Juhannus Festival in Rauma.
MEM: Ow, I wanted to go there really bad but it's so far away from here. So, now back to that lyric piece, have you come up with something?
Pekka: [laughs] Argh, I forgot to think about it! It has to be something from David Lee Rod cos he's just a master. Erm… what line would be… damn! Kotipelto is confusing me right now cos he's on the background. [a/n: We were having that interview behind a backstage festival tent and Kotipelto was playing on stage at that moment] Ah damn!
MEM: You can quote him, too!
Pekka: "Hunting high and low", yeah!
MEM: Okay! Thank you!
Interview: Tina Makiolczyk
Interview- and concert pictures: Iris Merikivi
Pictures and text ©
Special Thanks to: Leverage, Merja Halme and everyone at Myötätuuli Rock, Minna Kumpuvuori and Jani Jalonen.