A bit late, but here it is. We did an interview with Antony, J-V and Eero from Machine Men, at the Matrix in Bochum on September 3rd. Apologies to J-V for not knowing how to pronounce your name (duh, Finnish way or English way? ). Anyway, here is the transcript of the interview!
MEM: So you have been to
J-V: Beer!
MEM: You like the German beer? I heard it's nasty.
J-V: I do!
MEM: Okay! And what about you? *looking at Eero stuffing himself with sweets* - You like the cookies?
*Everyone laughs*
Eero: Yeah! I really like them, do you want some?
MEM: Eeeehm… nah thank you, not at the moment but maybe later! So how come you have a German management or did I get something wrong there? Because on your website it says for management please contact Continental Concerts, and that's German, so how come you don't have a Finnish management?
And then we flew to
J-V: Yeah it's a good company, so why not! It doesn't matter if it's a Finnish or a German label, as long as it's good.
MEM: So you've just come from the
J-V: a little bit… lame.
J-V: Hm, well, I don't know, it was okay.
MEM: So what are you the most excited about on this tour in Germany and actually the whole European tour, what are you most excited about or what do you expect of it?
J-V: I like to be on stage, that's the best.
MEM: Could you name any striking differences between the Finnish fans at home and the German fans for instance so far?
MEM: So you mean because they're drunk, they like it no matter what?
Eero: And
MEM: So what do you think about that then? About autographing, is that fun for you or do you think "Oh not again" or…?
MEM: Ok. Coming to your music actually, first a bit about your past…
MEM: Yeah, exactly! Well, your guitarist erm… what's your name again?
All: J-V!
MEM: Eh yeah, sorry, I really had troubles pronouncing… Anyway, you've been in a band called Palmcut before together with Jack who's now in Private Line, I wanted to know is there now a kind of rivalism between the bands? Or do you enjoy when you have a gig or when Private Line have a gig or is it kind of "Oh they/we are better" or…?
J-V: Oh, no, we are great friends still, of course. He lives like 300km away from us but we see each other quite often. So it's not a competition between the bands.
J-V: Yeah. But we are great friends.
MEM: Why did you split with the other band anyway? Was it not going so well because you have CDs out I think…?
J-V: Palmcut?
MEM: yeah.
J-V: Well, Jack moved to
MEM: Ah ok. So how about the others, were you in bands before or was Machine Men your first?
MEM: Oh, is that that Finnish singing stuff? I think I saw that or I read about it…
MEM: Okay! Well, I heard it through the grapevine, you *pointing at
MEM: What do you think about Finnish bands and bands who sing and write their lyrics in Finnish and was that ever a possibility for you as well or not at all?
J-V: I don't like the idea.
J-V: There are a few good bands in
Eero: Like Popeda.
MEM: And uhm… who came up with the band logo?
MEM: Ah ok. Very cool idea.
MEM: So what's your favourite piece of lyric from your own songs?
*(a/n: Thanks to the soundchecks next door! We were really having some damn hard time here)*
MEM: What's your favourite lyrics from the songs you've written?
MEM: Yeah well I desperately tried to not ask anything about Iron Maiden, so…
MEM: And how about you? *looking at the others*
Eero: I'm not interested in any lyrics.
MEM: Oh! So you just play…
Eero: Yeah.
MEM: Ah, okay. I thought, could have been, but…
MEM: *looking at Eero* Tell me about you then, what are you interested in?
Antony & J-V: Women!!!
*Everyone laughs*
MEM: Ah okay just like me then.
MEM: Yeah, you have like twice the possibilities.
MEM: Eeerm… Alright! Oh my God… back to the serious stuff! – Are you sure you want that published anywhere?!
All: YES!
MEM: Are you saying he looks like it already? Naah.
Eero: A kind of joke from our band. J-V is the real gay!
*Everyone laughs*
MEM: Haha ok! Well, if people come up to you and tell you that a song of yours has made them cry or like, you know, these people who want to commit suicide and they tell you that your songs have just pulled them out of the deep black hole and everything, that kind of stuff, how do you react to that? Or how would you react to that?
MEM: And what's your personal favourite song to perform live on stage?
J-V: Depends on the day.
J-V: Or Ghost of the Seasons, on this tour.
*At that point, the soundcheck next door reaches its climax and neither of us is able to speak loud enough to be heard, so we are forced to make a short cut.
MEM: So where were we? Ah, favourite song live.
Eero: I can't say which one but all the fast ones that need more bass. *grins*
MEM: Okay! Uhm, did you or do you ever perform when you're drunk?
Eero: I don't. I don't drink at all.
MEM: Aah, okay!
J-V: We try to be sober on stage.
MEM: And what do you think about bands who are drunk on stage?
J-V: We don't have any deals or anything. I drink a few beers on stage but I'm never drunk.
MEM: Do you have a favourite venue where you go to watch gigs or where you like to play?
MEM (to Eero & J-V): The same for you then?
J-V: Yeah. You know, we live there, so these clubs are common for us. We go there all the time and watch bands or play there once a year.
MEM: Cos it's cheaper?
MEM: Wait. You drink – alone?
J-V: I don't understand him!
MEM: So you just sit at home alone and you get drunk just by yourself?!
MEM: That's sad!
Eero: It's sad.
J-V: Yeah it IS sad.
MEM: Haha, well, do you have a rider and what's normally on it?
Eero: Yeah.
MEM: Okay.
MEM: Yeah but there's some person who has to make sure that the stuff is there.
MEM: Well I worked at a venue once and I had to get all the stuff people wanted, that was hard. But that depends on the stuff I guess. So hm, this is the last question: How would you describe yourselves in three words?
J-V (pointing at
*Everyone laughs*
J-V (at Eero): And he's Gollum.
*Everyone laughs*
MEM: Oh my God *grins*
J-V: No, I'm just kidding *grins*
MEM: We can leave it at that, you know *smiles*
MEM: Oh, we can switch it off and then you can tell, no problem! *grins*
MEM: Okay.
Eero: Something about
*Everyone laughs*
Eero: And he can laugh at some stupid things. *pauses* And he IS stupid also. … Yeah.
Eero: Yeah. Small and stupid.
MEM: Haha, very nice last words was it. So I think that was it, no more questions from my side. *smiles* Thank you for the interview!
All: Thank you!