MACHINE MEN 03/09/2007

A bit late, but here it is. We did an interview with Antony, J-V and Eero from Machine Men, at the Matrix in Bochum on September 3rd. Apologies to J-V for not knowing how to pronounce your name (duh, Finnish way or English way? ). Anyway, here is the transcript of the interview!


MEM: So you have been to Germany before… Have you tasted any traditional German food yet or German drinks and what did you enjoy most about German stuff?

Antony: I think drinks. I like this German white wine… I get it from Finland also but… I like German white wine.

J-V: Beer!

MEM: You like the German beer? I heard it's nasty.

J-V: I do!

MEM: Okay! And what about you? *looking at Eero stuffing himself with sweets* - You like the cookies?

*Everyone laughs*

Eero: Yeah! I really like them, do you want some?

MEM: Eeeehm… nah thank you, not at the moment but maybe later! So how come you have a German management or did I get something wrong there? Because on your website it says for management please contact Continental Concerts, and that's German, so how come you don't have a Finnish management?

Antony: We have just a Finnish booking agent. They heard our first album and they really liked it, and actually it was kind of a mess, that whole start because there was also one manager guy who told bullshit to Continental Concerts and that he would be a manager and booking agent of Machine Men, but he wasn't, so he lied… Then I emailed to Continental and asked them if they were still interested in Machine Men and they said of course.

And then we flew to Germany and spent two days there so…

J-V: Yeah it's a good company, so why not! It doesn't matter if it's a Finnish or a German label, as long as it's good.

Antony: Yeah.

MEM: So you've just come from the Netherlands, how were the shows there?

Antony: Eerm, it was okay. I think the audience were –

J-V: a little bit… lame.

Antony: Yeah.

J-V: Hm, well, I don't know, it was okay.

Antony: It was great to be travelling again.

MEM: So what are you the most excited about on this tour in Germany and actually the whole European tour, what are you most excited about or what do you expect of it?

J-V: I like to be on stage, that's the best.

Antony: It's a great thing, but I also like to see new places. I'm also like a tourist, you know. So… I like to see new places and… I don't know, playing, it's always fun to play somewhere else than in Finland.

MEM: Could you name any striking differences between the Finnish fans at home and the German fans for instance so far?

Antony: Finnish fans are more drunk. Or fans or anywhere people are more drunk, so, sometimes I feel like it doesn't matter what you play on the stage then, they like it.

MEM: So you mean because they're drunk, they like it no matter what?

Antony: Maybe, yeah.

Eero: And Germany has much older people who want autographs and stuff like that, I noticed that.

MEM: So what do you think about that then? About autographing, is that fun for you or do you think "Oh not again" or…?

Antony: Yeah of course, if someone wants my autograph, it's my pleasure, of course, so, I can do it always.

MEM: Ok. Coming to your music actually, first a bit about your past…

Antony: Talk past.

MEM: Yeah, exactly! Well, your guitarist erm… what's your name again?

All: J-V!

MEM: Eh yeah, sorry, I really had troubles pronouncing… Anyway, you've been in a band called Palmcut before together with Jack who's now in Private Line, I wanted to know is there now a kind of rivalism between the bands? Or do you enjoy when you have a gig or when Private Line have a gig or is it kind of "Oh they/we are better" or…?

J-V: Oh, no, we are great friends still, of course. He lives like 300km away from us but we see each other quite often. So it's not a competition between the bands.

Antony: And it's a totally different kind of music. Otherwise it would be a problem.


J-V: Yeah. But we are great friends.

MEM: Why did you split with the other band anyway? Was it not going so well because you have CDs out I think…?

J-V: Palmcut?

MEM: yeah.

J-V: Well, Jack moved to Helsinki and we didn't have the time… and I started in Machine Men then.

MEM: Ah ok. So how about the others, were you in bands before or was Machine Men your first?

Antony: Yeah. Actually we had a cover band that played Ozzy Osbourne songs, a year ago or something. Nothing else. I had just one project… it's just at Christmas time, nothing serious.

MEM: Oh, is that that Finnish singing stuff? I think I saw that or I read about it…

Antony: Yeah!

MEM: Okay! Well, I heard it through the grapevine, you *pointing at Antony* are actually going to do the background vocals on the new Leverage album – and greetings from Pekka by the way! Is that true and have you started recording yet? And how did it come to that collaboration anyway?

Antony: Yeah, I was singing in the studio about a week ago. I knew the owner of the studio and the owner of the studio is also a guitar player of the band, so… he just called me, is it possible to come to the studio and sing and I said yeah of course. And also we recorded our first album in that same studio.

MEM: What do you think about Finnish bands and bands who sing and write their lyrics in Finnish and was that ever a possibility for you as well or not at all?

Antony: We've never thought about singing in Finnish.

J-V: I don't like the idea.

Antony: Yeah. Then you would tour just in Finland. And…

J-V: There are a few good bands in Finland who sing in Finnish but most of the bands are crap.

Antony: Yeah, it sounds crap. I think a few bands who sing in Finnish sound really good and of course it depends on the lyrics…

Eero: Like Popeda.

Antony: Yeah. But I think if you play traditional heavy metal, and you sing in Finnish, I think it would – it sounds like – weird. I don't know.

MEM: And uhm… who came up with the band logo?

Antony: I did. And our drummer, we designed it. He had an idea, and I had an idea, and I drew it.

MEM: Ah ok. Very cool idea.

Antony: Yeah, I like it too.

MEM: So what's your favourite piece of lyric from your own songs?

Antony: What?

*(a/n: Thanks to the soundchecks next door! We were really having some damn hard time here)*

MEM: What's your favourite lyrics from the songs you've written?

Antony: Eeerm… eehm… *long pause* Hard question! I have to think about it!

MEM: Yeah well I desperately tried to not ask anything about Iron Maiden, so…

Antony: Yeah! Ehhm… Maybe from the new album, a song called Ghost of the Seasons. Maybe that, or October from our second album. I don't know, maybe these more melancholic, emotional songs. Their lyrics are the most important. For me.

MEM: And how about you? *looking at the others*

Antony: They don't read lyrics!

Eero: I'm not interested in any lyrics.

MEM: Oh! So you just play…

Eero: Yeah.

MEM: Ah, okay. I thought, could have been, but…

Antony: He's not interested in lyrics.

MEM: *looking at Eero* Tell me about you then, what are you interested in?

Antony & J-V: Women!!!

*Everyone laughs*

Antony: He's a little bit desperate. And also men, you know, he's bisexual.

MEM: Ah okay just like me then.

Antony: Yeah it's a good thing!

MEM: Yeah, you have like twice the possibilities.

Antony: Yeah!

MEM: Eeerm… Alright! Oh my God… back to the serious stuff! – Are you sure you want that published anywhere?!

All: YES!

Antony: Everyone knows that he's bi! I mean when you look at him you can recognize -

MEM: Are you saying he looks like it already? Naah.

Antony: Nah. It was a joke.

Eero: A kind of joke from our band. J-V is the real gay!

*Everyone laughs*

Antony: Next question, please!

MEM: Haha ok! Well, if people come up to you and tell you that a song of yours has made them cry or like, you know, these people who want to commit suicide and they tell you that your songs have just pulled them out of the deep black hole and everything, that kind of stuff, how do you react to that? Or how would you react to that?

Antony: Ah yeah, of course, the most important thing about music… You get some feelings from the music and I think that's the most important thing. It doesn't matter do you like it or not, so… I think if you react somehow, if you listen to some bands, I think that is the most important thing, so… I think music can be like… elevator or so. Of course if some people come to me and say that my lyrics or songs have helped him or her, through these dark moments, that would be great. Of course.

MEM: And what's your personal favourite song to perform live on stage?

Eero: Antony can start.

J-V: Depends on the day.

Antony: Yeah. It changes all the time. But… Erm… The Shadow Gallery from the new album.

J-V: Or Ghost of the Seasons, on this tour.

Antony: Yeah.

*At that point, the soundcheck next door reaches its climax and neither of us is able to speak loud enough to be heard, so we are forced to make a short cut. Antony went to tell the others off for being so loud. ^^*

MEM: So where were we? Ah, favourite song live.

Eero: I can't say which one but all the fast ones that need more bass. *grins*

MEM: Okay! Uhm, did you or do you ever perform when you're drunk?

Antony: I don't.

Eero: I don't. I don't drink at all.

MEM: Aah, okay!

J-V: We try to be sober on stage.

MEM: And what do you think about bands who are drunk on stage?

Antony: If they can still play then it's okay. But if they can't, I think its underestimating the audience.

J-V: We don't have any deals or anything. I drink a few beers on stage but I'm never drunk.

MEM: Do you have a favourite venue where you go to watch gigs or where you like to play?

Antony: There's a local club in our hometown called Lutakko and a smaller club called Bar 68. Those two clubs are pretty good.

MEM (to Eero & J-V): The same for you then?

J-V: Yeah. You know, we live there, so these clubs are common for us. We go there all the time and watch bands or play there once a year.

Antony: Actually, I don't spend so much time in bars. I like to get drunk at home.

MEM: Cos it's cheaper?

Antony: Yeah. And I think it's sometimes more fun. I talk to myself and – you know –

MEM: Wait. You drink – alone?

Antony: Sometimes, yes.

J-V: I don't understand him!

MEM: So you just sit at home alone and you get drunk just by yourself?!

Antony: Yeah. *smiles gleefully*

MEM: That's sad!

Antony: No! It's fun! *pouts*

Eero: It's sad.

J-V: Yeah it IS sad.

Antony: … Okay maybe it is, I don't know. *grins*

MEM: Haha, well, do you have a rider and what's normally on it?

Antony: One case of beer or… 24 bottles, a case anyway. 24 bottles of cider, vodka, white wine, some lemonade for him *points at Eero*, candies… Erm, porn magazines, handtowels, mirrors, bright light.

Eero: Yeah.

Antony: Yeah, stuff like that.

MEM: Okay.

Antony: But it's a totally different thing what we will get, you know. It doesn't matter if you ask for something, you know. Just blue candies or something, you know. It doesn't mean you will get it. You can write anything, you know, what you want…

MEM: Yeah but there's some person who has to make sure that the stuff is there.

Antony: Yeah…

MEM: Well I worked at a venue once and I had to get all the stuff people wanted, that was hard. But that depends on the stuff I guess. So hm, this is the last question: How would you describe yourselves in three words?


J-V (pointing at Antony): He's hobbit, I'm Gandalf!

*Everyone laughs*

J-V (at Eero): And he's Gollum.

*Everyone laughs*

MEM: Oh my God *grins*

J-V: No, I'm just kidding *grins*

Antony: Erm…

MEM: We can leave it at that, you know *smiles*

Antony: We're crazy. We have a lot of good stories but I think it's not for interviews.

MEM: Oh, we can switch it off and then you can tell, no problem! *grins*


Antony: It's personal things, I think we don't want to tell them

MEM: Okay.

Antony: Ah, something about me?

Eero: Something about Antony… Well Antony is a small guy. And he has a small –

*Everyone laughs*

Eero: And he can laugh at some stupid things. *pauses* And he IS stupid also. … Yeah.


Antony: I'm small and stupid.

Eero: Yeah. Small and stupid.

Antony: Better than really big and wise. I think.

MEM: Haha, very nice last words was it. So I think that was it, no more questions from my side. *smiles* Thank you for the interview!

All: Thank you!



Interview & transcript: Tina Makiolczyk

Recording: Larissa Budde

All material © 2007