LOVEX 19/05/2007

MEM Interview with Lovex @ Underground, Cologne, 19/05/2007

We meet Theon and Vivian of Lovex before their first ever headlining gig in Germany at the Underground club in Cologne.

MEM: So now that you're touring here in Germany, what is your impression so far of the people and the country?

Theon: The country is very beautiful. You have a much older architecture and another culture than in Finland and there's many beautiful places and the countryside is very different. In Finland it's all forests and lakes all the time…

Vivian: And especially Cologne has been a very beautiful city. We had one free day yesterday.

MEM: So you visited the Cathedral as well?

Vivian: Yeah!

MEM: Have you climbed it?

Theon: No. Well at least I didn't climb it…

Vivian: Well and also the people are very polite and very easy to deal with, something like that, so it's been very simple, very easy and very nice. [pauses] - And Jägermeister is really cheap!

[Everyone laughs]

Theon: Yeah, you can get it from anywhere at any time!

MEM: Haha okay, well I have not tried that yet… Are you considering touring other EU countries in the near future, like The Netherlands, Belgium or the UK?

Vivian: Yeah we have some plans for this…

Theon: Yeah, but I think it would be better if we released our album there first. I mean it's now released here in Germany and Switzerland and Austria… But probably after releasing it there it would be great to go there for touring.

MEM: True. Do you have a rider and what's normally on it?

They both point to the table on which a collection of booze is displayed.

Theon (grinning): Well you can see it there! Well some of it.

[Everyone laughs]

MEM: Aha okay, so as long as there's booze it's fine?

Theon: Yeah, well of course we also have like one warm meal and well, some small stuff to eat and maybe for me the most important thing water, non-sparkling.

MEM: Okay. What do you do when you get on each others' nerves on tour?


Theon: Well we grab the bottle and –

Pretends to hit someone with one of the bottles from the table

[Everyone laughs]

MEM (grinning): Oh so you're going for the violent way?

Theon: Nah, we drink ourselves happy.

MEM: Ok, sounds like a good plan.

Vivian: Sounds like a Finnish plan!

Theon: Yeah!

MEM: A good Finnish plan though! So now, coming to your music: Shortly after releasing the singles Remorse and Die A Little More, you made a video for Bullet For The Pain. Why was that a video but not one of the singles?

Theon: Hm, well the single didn't come out in stores but it was played on the radio in Finland and stuff like that. So it was a single but not a commercial one.

Vivian: In Finland it's not so important to release our singles in the stores.

MEM: Okay. Will Anyone, Anymore and Wild & Violent be on the new album or just be available as singles or on the German version of Divine Insanity, and how are your plans for the new album going so far?

Theon: Well, Anyone, Anymore is on the international version, and it seems that Wild and Violent is going to be just a B-Side. About the second album, we are writing a lot of new material at the moment and we are rehearsing a lot, like three or four times a week. And it's going to be like that through the whole summer. On weekends we'll have festivals or gigs and on the weekdays we'll be rehearsing the songs.

Vivian: In September we are going to stop the touring and in November we are going to the studio.

Theon: Yeah, that's the original plan.

Vivian: Yeah.

MEM: Okay. Which other artists or bands could you imagine to do a collaboration with musicwise?

Silence. Each of them is thinking hard.

MEM: Or do you have like… any idols you'd like to sing with or something?

Theon: Well there are not too many bands that we all like. We all have different idols. Well there's one band called 30 Seconds To Mars

Vivian: Yeah maybe we'll do some Jared. [a/n: probably means they might cover something?].

MEM: Okay. So now this last question is rather random; if you were girls and you liked Lovex – who of the band would you fancy?

Long silence, then sly smiles.

Vivian (looking at Theon): Theon.

Theon (ponders and then looks up at Vivian): Vivian.

They cuddle.

MEM: Awww.

Theon: Well I've seen him naked, so…

[Everyone laughs]

MEM: Shall we better not put this anywhere in the interview?

Theon: Oh, you can put it.

MEM: Okay, I think the fans will love.

[Everyone laughs]

So that was it really, thank you very much for taking time for us.

Vivian & Theon: Thank you!


We gave the two of them questionnaires to fill in as the second and more random part of the interview. Please find them here:

Vivian's Questionnaire
Theon's Questionnaire

Interview pictures:
Theon, Vivian, Theon & Vivian 1, Theon & Vivian 2, Vivian filling in the questionnaire, Theon filling in the questionnaire


Interview: Tina Makiolczyk

Interview Pictures: Heidi Van de Vreken


Special Thanks to: Lovex, Stephanie Glockmann, Sibylle Klein, Sibel Eroglu, SonyBMG and the staff from Live Music Hall and Underground Cologne.